Dear Camp Angels:
Thank you so much for helping me to camp this summer. I have attended camp once before and fell in love with it. I love the outdoors and though I tend to be on the shy side, I really enjoyed meeting other diabetic campers and counselors. I look forward to being a camp counselor when I turn 18 because of the influence my counselors had on my camping experience. My counselors made my time at camp fun and memorable, and I want to give that back to future campers. I want them to have an even greater time than I had and will this summer! (Which will be really hard to match!)
I also love Diabetes Camp because I learned a lot about my health. I learned about nutrition, blood glucose control, and other health related topics that will help me to live a better, normal lifestyle. This has been increasingly important to me as I have been getting older and will be applying to college this fall (I plan to become a veterinarian) and will soon be completely in charge of my diabetes.
I hope you know how grateful I am for this sponsorship. I was doubting whether I should even apply this year because in Feb. I was informed that I might have a cancerous tumor in my knee. Although, with great luck, it turned out not to be a tumor, the numerous tests I underwent to achieve this diagnosis put a lot of strain on my family’s finances. Without your generous support, I probably would not have the opportunity to go to camp this summer.
Sincerely April
